Dara Jemmott
Dara Jemmott is a Jersey girl, Brooklyn based comedian, host, voice over artist and actress. She performs all around the country, and has even taken her talents to the UK and Spain. Most recently featured in the 2021 Just For Laughs, Eat My Shorts, for "Where's My White Privilege?" The short was also featured in the 2021 Hip Hop Film Festival and won Dara Best Actor- Gold Category, in the 2021 Best Actors Awards New York. Dara has also been featured in the Black Women in Comedy Festival. When not performing, Dara teaches stand up, in numerous NYC schools through Stand Up Girls!. You can also catch her podcast, she co-hosts, Comedians for Hire, which was inspired by her personal journey of ditching the corporate cubicle for the crazy world of comedy.
- Friday January 31st 08:00PM
- Friday Shows
- Come see the best comedy in the city at New York's West Side Comedy Club! With lineups featuring comics from Netflix, Comedy Central, HBO, Amazon and Late Night TV, you're sure to catch an unforgettable show. Food, Fun and cocktails... come with a group, a date, a corporate outing, there's a good time to be had for all!Come early and eat dinner in the club beforehand! Full menu available from Playa Betty's located right above the club.Lineups Subject To Change. Two Item Minimum Per Person Required.