Jourdain Fisher
Jourdain Fisher is a New York based comedian that was born in raised in North Carolina. He started doing stand up comedy at the age of 17 to avoid working for his family's funeral home. Since then he has found success in clubs and colleges across the country. Jourdain has been a part of various festivals including, The New York Comedy Festival, Laughing Skull Festival, and Laugh Your Asheville Off. Jourdain was also a back-to-back winner of The Ultimate Comic Challenge, and a finalist in The Carolina's Funniest Competition. His smooth demeanor and quick wit are what drives Jourdain's hilarious takes on everything from his family to social observations. Jourdain is currently a writer and actor on BET's sketch comedy show, 50 Central.
- Saturday February 22nd 08:00PM
- Saturday Shows
- Come see the best comedy New York City has to offer in the hottest new club to hit the comedy circuit! Lineups change weekly with comedians featured on Comedy Central, HBO, Netflix, Amazon and Late Night Shows. Food, Fun and cocktails... what better way to spend a Saturday night!Come early and eat dinner in the club beforehand! Full menu available from Playa Betty's located right above the club.Lineups Subject To Change. Two Item Minimum Per Person Required.