Marc Theobald

Marc Theobald

MarC Theobald is a comedian and WGA writer who has risen to great heights in the last few years. His unique sense of humor has not only gotten him out of numerous situations in Brooklyn but has led to a flourishing career.

Upcoming Shows
  • Friday February 28th 08:00PM
  • Friday Shows
  • Come see the best comedy in the city at New York's West Side Comedy Club! With lineups featuring comics from Netflix, Comedy Central, HBO, Amazon and Late Night TV, you're sure to catch an unforgettable show.  Food, Fun and cocktails... come with a group, a date, a corporate outing, there's a good time to be had for all!Come early and eat dinner in the club beforehand! Full menu available from Playa Betty's located right above the club.Lineups Subject To Change.  Two Item Minimum Per Person Required.