Troy Alan
Troy is a NYC-based comedian/actor/writer who performs in some of the best clubs in New York City, as well as some of the most revolting bars known to humanity. Troy wrote, produced, and performed a one-man show called “Funny Stories About Pain” in the 2019 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. He’s been featured on Laughs on Fox TV, Time Out New York’s Joke of the Week, and just appeared in the award winning film “I’m No Longer Here” on Netflix. Troy has also been featured in The Plano Comedy Festival, Trial by Laugher Comedy Festival, The Laughing Devil Festival, Hoboken Comedy Festival, Portland, Maine Comedy Festival, and he hosted The Laughing Devil Cup. In 2017, Troy produced a short documentary about life in New York City comedy called “Dear Mom.” The 16-minute documentary made into the London-Worldwide Comedy Short Film Festival and the Dumbo Film Festival. Troy is also an screenwriter who recently earned three awards, a finalist designation, and two semi-finalist designations for his TV pilot, “At Wit’s End,” which will be produced after Troy wins the lottery and can afford to complete the project.