Jim Wallis, Patricia Dinglasan, Divya Gunasekaran, Ariel Evans, Amy Veltman

Wednesday June 21st, 2023 - 7:00PM

Location : West Side Comedy Club NEW YORK, NY

Amy Veltman and Patricia Dinglasan produce this show the third Wednesday of every month featuring the hottest up-and-coming comedians alongside those with multiple TV credits!

Two Item Minimum.

Patricia Dinglasan
Divya Gunasekaran
Ariel Evans
Amy Veltman
Jim Wallis 

Patricia Dinglasan is a comedian based in New York City. Patricia's comedy was recently featured in The FilAm, a magazine for Filipino Americans living in the US, and her videos "Mom-Lan" and "Pepper Spray Made in the USA" appeared on WhoHaha.