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Wednesday May 25th, 2022 - 8:00PM
Location : West Side Comedy Club NEW YORK, NY
No Brainer Comedy Show brought to you monthly by Linette Palladino and David Roth.
Lineups subject to change.Two Item Minimum.
Linette Palladino and David Roth host this monthly show.Featuring
Ian Lara
Chloe Radcliffe
Daniel Geneen
Raanan Herschberg
Ian Lara is really just a regular guy from Queens, New York. He started comedy right after college because he didn't feel like going to law school and he's loved every second of it. Usually you can catch him performing every night in some of the best and worst shows in New York City, or he's on the road at a club or college near you. Ian Lara might become a household name but really all he wants is to get big enough where he can wear those big hats Pharrell wears to awards shows. Peace!
David Roth is Brooklyn-based author, advertising creative director, and stand-up comedian. His book "LOL 101" published by Chronicle Books is coming out Spring 2023. In his career, David has written two Super Bowl commercials and collaborated with the likes of Jim Gaffigan, Bob Odenkirk, Larry Charles, and JB Smoove.
Chloe Radcliffe is a Minneapolis-based comic recently named a TBS Comic To Watch at the New York Comedy Festival. Chloe’s comedy is all smiles, no matter how exasperated she is with the world around her. She balances being incredulous with being delightful, and draws from her experience of having a huge birthmark on her cheek (but she doesn’t talk about it too much…or, just enough? Whatever’s correct). In 2017, Chloe was a Semifinalist in StandUp NBC and listed as one of the top five comics in the Twin Cities. She was a quarterfinalist in the Laughing Skull Comedy Festival, and performed at the Women In Comedy and Oddblock festivals. She is on the production team for Minneapolis’ 10,000 Laughs Comedy Festival, entering its eighth year. Chloe helps run the Comedy Corner Underground, a comic-run club in Minneapolis, where she produces REAL SHIT, a comedy and storytelling show. She is a paid opener at all clubs in the Twin Cities, including Acme and the House of Comedy. Along with standup, she produces house sketch shows in her living room, writing and performing personal, grounded sketches for alt-comedy audiences.